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Image by Amélie Mourichon

A playful way to innovation, co-creation & sense-making




Lego® Serious Play® is a facilitated method for strategic decision-making, creative problem-solving and sense-making in complex environments designed to enhance team development, personal transformation and business performance.

Its goal is fostering creative thinking by building experiential metaphors of personal/group identities, aspirations and experiences using Lego® bricks as a catalyst.

For more than 10 years Lego® Serious Play® has been successfully used in business, education, people and team development in order to:

  • Co-create operational strategies

  • Decision making in complex system

  • Develop business models

  • Build a shared culture

  • Explore and develop group identities

  • Analyse and define shared goals




A Lego® Serious Play® workshop is a structured process where participants are asked to use Lego® bricks to build models representing their thoughts, reflections and ideas.


It is based on a set of basic principles: 

Everyone has a voice: everyone within a group or an organization can contribute to the discussion, and help generate solutions.

Think with your hands: bypass the biased thinking by “doing” first trusting your hands-brain connection, then reflecting & sharing, in order to enhance understanding and creativity.

The answer is in the system: leverage complexity and ecosystemic approach, since no one in the group has the answer to the challenge (neither the facilitator nor the group’s leader).

There is no "one" right answer: diverge, without boundaries, through different views and perceptions, and then converge to shared values and guiding principles.


Normally a Lego® Serious Play® workshop is at the same time closely regulated and tailor-made. Trust in the process should always coexist with a strong value and purpose driven facilitation. That’s why the workshop should be always led by a certified and experienced facilitator, who has the task to design the best possible experience together with the sponsor, and then to guide participants through the activities


The core process consists of 4 steps: 

Question: the facilitator sets a build question or challenge to the participants.

Construction: participants answer that question by building a Lego® model representing their vision about the challenge.

Sharing: participants share the story and the meaning of their own models.

Reflection: the facilitator guides the analysis of the models seeking deeper layers of insights.

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